Teams are created in Spawtz by either by creating them within the Admin control panel or by players registering teams online via the online registration process. 

For teams that register online, any venue managers at the venue for which the team registers will receive an email indicating that a team has registered. All teams on the system will appear in the "Teams" menu.

To create a new team:

  1. Click on "Teams". 
  2. Click "Add team".
  3. If the organiser is already a user on the system, they will appear in the drop down, otherwise you can create a new user at the same time.
  4. Finally, enter the league and season that you are entering this team into. Teams MUST be associated to at least one league/season combination. Teams are placed into a division at a later stage.

Just as a user can be associated to multiple teams, a team can be associated to multiple leagues. This saves having to recreate them every season or if they join a new competition.