We can configure Spawtz to automatically subscribe your users to one or more MailChimp lists whenever a user confirms their email address.  So when users are added, or they change their email address, they get the "please confirm your email address" email, and if they click on that link, at that point, we can subscribe them to the MailChimp list(s) that you require.

Similarly, when a user is deleted or when they change their email address, they are removed from the list (if they're deleted) or their old email address is removed from the list if they change their email address.

We can map fields in Spawtz to fields in MailChimp (so you can do mail merging correctly in your MailChimp templates).  The fields that we can send across to MailChimp are:


If you then tell us what the matching fields in the MailChimp list are, we will create the mappings accordingly (for example "FirstName" in Spawtz should map to the "|FNAME|" field in MailChimp)

In addition to the above, we can also (optionally) include information about the sports and regions that the user is associated to.  If you want us to send that data over then we will automatically create "Regions" and "Sports" groups in the list if they do not already exist, and automatically create the appropriate options within each of those groups, again if they do not already exist.  This can be handy for partitioning of the data (ie, so you can send a campaign to all the users in Bristol who are interested in 5-a-side football)

All you need to do is provide us with the following items, and we will set up the integration for you:

1) The MailChimp list id.  Here's how to find your list id: http://kb.mailchimp.com/lists/manage-contacts/find-your-list-id
2) A MailChimp API Key which has permissions to add and remove subscriptions from the list.  Here's how to generate such an API key: http://kb.mailchimp.com/integrations/api-integrations/about-api-keys
3) The mappings from the Spawtz fields listed above to the field names in your list (eg, "FirstName" = "|FNAME|")
4) Whether you want us to include the Sport and Region groups in the list